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Jean-Marc Foltz w/ Matt Turner & Bill Carrothers - To the Moon

Bruce Lee Galanter, DMG Newsletter

You might remember the name Jean-Marc Foltz from a previous disc on Clean Feed with Bruno Chevillon. Matt Turner is a Vancouver-based cellist who has worked with Scott Fields, Debris and has a few solo efforts on Tautology & Meniscus. Pianist Bill Carrothers has worked Dave Douglas, Scott Colley & Bill Stewart and has some half dozens discs as a leader, a few of which have received high praise in the NY Times.
Although this music is completely improvised, there is deep connection between all three members. Mr. Foltz mentions Schoenberg & Albert Giraud as inspirations and the overall sound is closer to modern chamber music than any sort of jazz influences. Foltz has a great tone no matter if he is playing bass or regular clarinets. On "Black Butterflies" the cello and clarinet are nearly indistinguishable in sound, both haunting and shadowing each other perfectly. Mr. Carrothers plays the piano strings on "Knitting Needles" which adds an eerie quality to this already dark, hypnotic piece. "Moondrunk" is elegant and moves in slow motion, with exquisite minimal piano and rich, plaintive clarinet drifting over the skeletal drops. The pulse and vibe of this music is mostly restrained and delicate with occasional ghosts lurking around the corners. On "Crosses" Matt's shimmering, slightly bent strings slip between the cracks and offer us some difficult solace. This trio does a great job of evoking a variety of spooky spirits without playing too many notes, making each note count.