All sorts of jazz, free jazz and improv. Never for money, always for love.
“Sub rosa” is the newest release of “Ayler Records”. Album was recorded by “Cécile Cappozzo Trio” – it’s Cécile Cappozzo (piano), Patrice Grente (double bass) and Etienne Ziemniak (drums). Jean-Luc Cappozzo (trumpet) also improvises together at track 5. The musicians are interesting and evocative jazz masters. Their music is fresh, vivid, bright and new. They integrate innovative and expressive musical expressions, evocative and specific ways of playing, jump from the one mood to another use other effective and modern musical decisions. That’s how they create interesting, multi-layed and colorful musical language and pattern. The compositions of the trio are somewhere in the middle of avant-garde jazz, experimental music, free improvisation, academic avant-garde and contemporary academical music. The basics of avant-garde jazz contain the base of musical language and make the highest effort to whole sound. It makes a gentle, subtle and artsy synthesis with academical and experimental music, also – moving, sharp and aggressive elements of modern jazz. The music of the trio is a marvelous result of proffessional, essential, sensible and passionate improvising, who is created with passion and impression.
“Sub rosa” has original and fresh sound, just like the other albums of “Cécile Cappozzo Trio”. The musicians are improvising free, expressively and fill the music with numerous of different colors, sounds, timbres, playing techniques and ways of composing. Three masters collectively create common musical pattern, facture, musical language and all its elements. Each of them is improvising absolutely different from each other – that’s the main reason, why all together they create marvelous, multi-colored and gorgeous musical pattern. The form of the compositions is constructed from many little pieces, who are related to various open and classical forms. Artsy and natural synthesis makes abstract and free form, which becomes a suitable place for fascinating musical experiments and collective improvisation. Musicians like adventurous, scandalous and provocative musical decisions – they break the conventional rules, change them into modern, extravagant and interesting ways of playing and innovative musical decisions. The instrumentation is filled with brave, sparkling and modern ways of playing. Gentle and effective glissando, vibrant and dramatic vibrato, rouling, dizzy and sparkling passages, arpeggios and other virtuosic elements are mixed with unusual sounds, special effects, experimental playing techniques and innovative methods. That creates wonderful and wide variety of timbres, sounds and noises, who colorfully illustrates whole musical pattern. Musicians also expand the common technical abilities of the instruments – that’s another one aspect, who effects the exceptional and original instrumentation. Improvisers go out from the comfort zone of sound – they create and use their own and specific playing techniques, produce strange and weird sounds and get on risky, provocative, adventurous and scandalous improvisations. Piano improvisations are vivid, energetic and live. It brings much more energy to all compositions, also lets hear out new, innovative and evocative avant-garde jazz. Hot, expressive, passionate and noisy playing manner is one of the most important elements of Cécile Cappozzo improvising. It brings gorgeous, vivacious, multi-colored and bright sound to improvisations. Sharp, turbulent and aggressive solos are fused with dramatic, vibrant and moving culminations, silent and relaxing pieces or energetic, franky, dizzy and loud energy’s explosions. Live and vivid piano gently goes along with double bass melodies, improvised by Patrice Grente. Double bass melodies are filled with surprising solos, bright and loud bursts of energy, soft and monotonic bass line, tight and solid harmonic pattern, who is based on repetitive chords and rhythms. Passionate and moving solos are just marvelous – the expressive, turbulent and energetic duos of double bass and piano certainly are the most effective episodes of album. When these two improvisers go to calm, relaxing or vubtle mood, there comes adventurous, evocative, bright and dynamic trumpet in the track 5. Jean-Luc Cappozzo gets hot, expressive, sparkling and thrilling sound to the compositions. His solos are full of stormy and aggressive culminations, vibrant, powerful and bright blow outs, dizzy and frantic passages, sharp chords, dynamic rhythmic and huge variety of timbres and sounds. Trumpet’s melodies bring expressive melodies with hot thrills and terrific culminations in it. Drums section is solid and tight – it’s leaded by Etienne Ziemniak. Musician tries out innovative and specific ways of playing and dozens of rhythms and timbres. Exotic instrumental combinations, strange and weird timbres, innovative, crazy and brave musical decisions – all these elements make an effort to creation of firm, solid, vibrant, turbulent and marvelous rhythmic section. The music of this album has remarkable, energetic and passionate sound.
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