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William Parker Trio - ... and William Danced

Uno Ohlsson, Norrköpings Tidningar

It's only a couple of months since we could hear the bass phenomena William Parker and the drumming ace Hamid Drake play in Norrköping. Very quickly the Gusum based record company Ayler Records has released a CD recorded in Stockholm at an interval during the short Nordic tour.
Everybody who had the pleasure to meet these free jazz giants live will of course tuck right into this record, and as a listener one will become richly rewarded.
As a third musician the Swedish alto saxophonist Anders Gahnold steps in (remembered from some creating years in the 80's).
Gahnold melts easily into the music and with his broken and ruff alto tone he helps to bring the music close to the point of boiling.
Parker's and Drake's capacity are well known and here they got plenty of space to be out and about.
What an exceptionally rhythm party!
No wonder that Parker starts dancing (created the title of the CD) when he heard the result of the recording.
Ayler Records has got a world sales hit!