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Return Of The New Thing - Traque

Uno Ohlsson, Norrköpings Tidningar

Behind the name "Return Of The New Thing" hides a free playing French quartet who has musically anarchism on the menu.

In the liner notes, Dan Warburton discusses if their music should be labelled as "free jazz" or "free improvisation" and comes to the conclusion that "improvised free jazz" should be a proper label.
I also agree to their definition; "music which manage to dance merrily on the edge of the abyss".
The members of the quartet make chock attacks to the ears of the listeners.
Dare to listen to the piano- and violin player Dan Warburton, bassist Francois Fuchs, saxophonist Jean-Luc Guionnet and drummer Edward Perraud and your picture of the musical world will be changed!