All sorts of jazz, free jazz and improv. Never for money, always for love.
The Electrics is an all-acoustic free improv quartet. They do deserve their name however, at least judging from this highly-charged performance recorded in Copenhagen (Denmark) on April 27, 2000.
This is one of the group's first meetings, because they made their inaugural tour that month. A pan-European affair, the quartet features the front line of Swedish saxophonist Sture Ericson and German trumpeter Axel Dörner.
Ericson is a powerful free jazz blower. He favours emotion and excitement
over technique, even if it means running into an occasional cliché.
Dörner has been building a reputation as a supporter (and pioneer)
of reductionism, together with Radu Malfatti and Franz Hautzinger, but in
parallel to his sparse, highly experimental recordings he still enjoys more
maximalist settings (check out his group Die Enttaüschung).
His solo in Change of Accidents soars almost melodically.
That extended piece also features solo spotlights for the two members of
the rhythm section: Norwegian bassist Ingebrigt Håker Flaten (of Atomic)
and Swedish drummer Raymond Strid.
Flaten can launch a mean ostinato to propel the group. He also displays
feverish arco playing.
Strid is equal to himself, delightfully resourceful.
Despite its freely improvised nature, the music of The Electrics remains
deeply rooted in jazz. Ericson sounds like he has learned a lot from fire
music's legends.
The instant vamp appearing six minutes into Accidents by Chance constitutes
proof that the hearts of the four musicians beat to the same groove: a sinuous
instant melody, a walking bass line, incredible synergy between all players
to bring things to a gentle, seducing halt. Real, live, modern, jazz. Superb.
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