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Exploding Customer - At Your Service

Henrik Kaldahl, Jazznet

This release from the magnificent and forward sighted company Ayler Records this time is a new studio recording from one of my many favourite bands - Exploding customer.
This 4-man band has released two earlier albums on Ayler Records (aylCD-030 and aylCD-031), both live recording who made this reviewer clap in his hands of pure amazement over this tight playing band, so it was with much excitement and very big expectations that this cd was placed in the cd player and I sat myself in the sofa.
This CD is recorded over two days in December 2005 and October 2006 and already from the first tone from Martin Küchens saxophone that blew out of my speakers I was convinced - Exploding customers are at least as amazing and incredible in the studio as they are live. The numbers are well thought, new thinking and played with a skillness and energy, which is hard to describe with other words than amazing and sublime.
Küchen is on this record backed up by Tomas Hallosten on trumpet, Benjamin Quigley on bass and Kjell Nordeson on drums. In this band nobody is more than the next one, all are equal and there is room for the single musician to let his ideas come to life and all play the best they have ever learned.
Out of the CD's 7 numbers Küchen has composed 5, Hallosten is the man behind one of them and the last one is a traditional number arranged by Carla Bley. It is very difficult to sit here and recommend one number over the other because they all are extremely great and nothing but incredible.
This release deserves all the good words I can give it and I can not give it recommendation enough with it on the way. So in other words if you are into genius and well played free jazz there's nothing you can do, you got to get your hands on this cd. If you like this reviewer can't get enough of the amazing playing of Martin Küchen and his saxophones you should give his own trio a listen (aylCD-054), this release is in the same ass kicking super class as the cd's mentioned above.